PLANED's profile picture


Date joined: 23/04/14


PLANED’s aim is to engage local people in Pembrokeshire in improving their quality of life – culturally, socially, environmentally and economically. “Changes in the local economies are closely connected to social and cultural development; they shape the ecology and the environment. The development of confident, self-sufficient communities is the only way to ensure sustainable, long-term prosperity.” PLANED works throughout Pembrokeshire, building on the local community led approach to rural development developed by SPARC in which communities, public sector and voluntary partners and special interest groups come together to undertake locally integrated development. PLANED aims to play a vital role in empowering and enabling local communities to be full and equal partners in the development of their area through the EU and Welsh Assembly Government funded Rural Development Plan for Wales. Previously PLANED has implemented EU LEADER+ and Objective One programmes, and Welsh Assembly Government initiatives, including Rural Community Action (RCA). The organisation was a successful LEADER1 and LEADER 2 group. PLANED is a non-profit-making company and a registered charity. Our Role Our role is to encourage the widest possible participation of local people. PLANED's initiatives give local communities the chance to join in, contribute skills and knowledge and promote projects of long-term benefit. Communities are the key to rural life and PLANED’s role is to encourage the participation of local people, whatever their age or interests. PLANED is also a process and special way of working. Its role is as an engager, a facilitator, a networker and a builder of partnerships: “With your skills, knowledge and experience we can help your community to grow and thrive in every sense - socially, culturally and economically. “We help communities to develop Action Plans which not only record potential projects but also their special features which contribute to a ‘sense of place’ and support the establishment of a Community Forum / Association to help drive the Action Plan.”

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