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28 Apr 1898
South Side choir underthe direction of John Morgan will try for some prizes in Johnstown Eisteddfod next Saturday. It is said that at least four choirs will compete in the Homestead Eisteddfod at the end of next month. Miss Gertrude [Iarris, sister of Edith Harris Scott and Mrs. W. J. Jones is quite ill with Typhoid Fever. Mrs. John Hammond has returned home after visiting Stamford, Conn. because of the illness of her mother. Her brother came with her for a visit to this city. Mrs. Edith Harris Scott has been hired to teach a class of 50 pupils in elocution and physical culture in Sharon, Pa. She will be there every Saturday. Prof. T. J. Davies, formerly of Scranton, will be one of the adjudicators at the New Castle Eisteddfod. W. J. Jones was on a business trip in New York City last week. We saw Thomas Jones, s/ar'r builder, of Columbus, Ohio in our city this week. He will cast his lot amongst us if he ean secure work here. William Hughes of Soho, one the deacons ofthe Welsh Presbyterian Chprch, injured his heel recently, and it is difficult for him to walk. David F. Lloyd and John powefl*hl represent the Iforites of Pittsburg[h] atthe Iforite conference in Slatington. Successful Revival meeting in the Exposition Building uner the direction of Mr. Moody. About 5000 people flocked to the meetings every night. Business is very lively here. Pickering's Furniture Store with about thirty clerks serving the customers.

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