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21 Apr 1898 b
Interest in activities of Senate and House of Representatives. Condolences to the family of Prof. D. J. Davies in the death of their young son, Joseph Haydn, 16 years old, who died Thursday night of Typhoid Fever. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday at two o'clock. It is sad for the friends of the old leader of the Pittsburg[h] choir as well as friends in the old counfir, to hear of the family's tribulation of losing a son who was greatly loved by all who knew him. The home and millinery store of Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Edwards of South Highland Ave., East End was destroyed on Thursday morning. Readers of I Drych would have read of their wedding two months ago. Mrs. Edwards (formerly Miss Lizzie Jones) is one of the most skillful milliners in the city....their new store on Penn Ave. David Davies, a reporter on the *South Wales Daily Post" is in the city this week along with some owners of tin works in the old countqy who are visiting this country. Rev. D. L. Moody and Dr. Chapman of Philadelphia have begun a series of meetings. South Side Choir is busy preparing for the Johnstown Eisteddfod next Saturday. Besido the mixed choir, there will be two male voice choirs representing Pittsburglh]---{ne underthe direction of Isaac Prosser and the other under the direction of Daniel Haddock.

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