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Gunner M. Charles Jenkins, 1587, seved with the 121st Battery Royal Field Artillery. Transcript: Dear Ethel and Ern, Just a few lines in answer to your most welcome letter and parcel which I received quite safe I was very pleased with contents and enjoyed them. I am sorry to hear Ern has been so bad and hope he will be better by the time you receive this letter tell him he must look after himself and cheer up. Well dears things are about the same here plenty of work and scrapping. Yes I expect Daisy is a bit down over George but she must cheer up and hope for the best I wish he could have got in the Artillery it would have been a bit safer. It will be a bit more company for her to have Kathleen with her I expect she is getting a big girl. Yes dears I expect there will be many an unhappy Christmas this year in England especialy as things are so dear. You must thank Nell for the pancakes and tell her I enjoyed them. We have just enjoyed a drink of port wine my mate had sent and we are having his chicken for dinner tomorrow so you can see we are doing well between us for Christmas. Yes I think F.F. is a fool for staying over his leave as he knows the penalty. So Will Walton is not doing so good now he must be a fool. Yes that was the biggest surprise I had when I heard Will Goodried was getting married and a case of had to that is soldiering again. Tell Ernie and Bertie I will try and bring them home a real live German my word they must be getting fine boys. Well dears I think this is all at present and all the boys are worrying me pulling my leg wants to know is it to the Girl so will close with the best of love to you both and family from your loving brother, Charles. xxxxxxxxxxx

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